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Climate & Capital Conference

Thank you for your interest in the Climate and Capital Conference. The event is now at capacity. You can still register to watch the event virtually below:

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September 21, 2022

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - Breakfast and registration
9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. - Event content
5.00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. - Drinks reception
New York Stock Exchange
11 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Rostin Behnam, Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
  • Michelle Dunstan, Chief Responsibility Officer & Portfolio Manager, AllianceBernstein
  • Chandler Van Voorhis, Manager & Co-Founder, GreenTrees
  • Matt Diserio, President, Water Asset Management
  • David Sher, CEO, Greenbacker Capital Management

Co-hosted by:

ICE - Gitterman Asset Management - Fintech logos

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8:00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
8:00-9:00 a.m.
Breakfast & Registration
9:00-9:05 a.m.
Opening Remarks
  • Elizabeth King, President, Sustainable Finance & Chief Regulatory Officer, ICE

9:05-9:30 a.m.
Keynote Address
Rostin Behnam, Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission
9:30-10:00 a.m.
The Future of Climate Data in Fixed Income and Equity

The need for transparency into managing climate risk and creating sustainable impact continues to grow beyond the traditional equity and corporate fixed income asset classes into MBS, loans, structured finance, and private assets. In this session we will discuss how innovations in climate technology and alternative data can be used to unlock new insights and value for multi-asset class investors.

  • Larry Lawrence, Head of Sustainable Finance Data U.S., ICE
  • Girish Narula, Head of Climate Transition Finance, ICE
  • Evan Kodra, Senior Director, Climate & ESG, ICE

10:00-10:40 a.m.
Leveraging the U.S. Municipal Bond Market to Respond to Climate Change

Concerns are growing over how the municipal bond market will manage the financial risks of climate change and extreme weather events. Stakeholders have an opportunity to use the bond market to accelerate investment in climate-resilient civil and social infrastructure, which may help to mitigate risk.

We will discuss:
  • Why the municipal bond market is increasingly on the front lines of climate change
  • Whether the market is “pricing in” physical climate risk and its implications
  • How the market can take action to address these challenges

  • Evan Kodra, Senior Director, Climate & ESG, ICE
  • Erika Smull, Municipal Research, Breckinridge Capital
  • Lisa Washburn, Managing Director, Municipal Market Analytics
  • Colin MacNaught, CEO of BondLink
10:40 -10:55 a.m.
Morning Break
10:55-11:20 a.m.
Debt Capital Markets and Climate: How Corporate Issuers Approach Investors
  • Brian Matt, Head of ESG Advisory, NYSE
  • Chad Reed, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & ESG, Hannon Armstrong
  • Michael Dunne, VP Finance, NextEra Energy, Inc.

11:20 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
The Role of Environmental Markets in Net Zero: Creating an Asset Class for Natural Capital
  • Gordon Bennett, Global Head of Environmental Markets, ICE
  • Ed Rumsey, Managing Partner, Permian Global
  • Chandler Van Voorhis, Manager & Co-Founder, GreenTrees
  • Agustin Silvani, Sustainable Finance Lead, Conservation International
12:00-12:30 p.m.
Addressing Climate Risk and Promoting Social Impact in MBS & Real Estate
Exposure to high physical climate risk correlates to heightened mortgage delinquency likelihood, discounted property values, and population attrition. Research also shows that homes are underinsured for events like floods. Given this backdrop, it is especially important that investors and other stakeholders have an opportunity to understand, measure and manage climate risk.
We will discuss:
  • Structural and systemic reasons why real estate assets may be mispriced
  • Tools and methods for using climate risk data to help inform investment decision-making in MBS and other real estate-backed assets
  • The importance of the intersection of climate risk and socioeconomic vulnerability

  • Evan Kodra, Senior Director, Climate & ESG, ICE
  • Dave Burt, CEO, DeltaTerra Capital
  • Malea Figgins, Assistant VP, TCW
12:30-1:30 p.m.
1:30-1:45 p.m.
The Great Repricing is Upon Us

The Great Repricing refers to the gap between the realization of a specific climate risk, data which captures that risk, and the impact on asset pricing. While the Great Repricing is already upon us, albeit at inconsistent speeds and magnitudes, depending on the regions and assets involved, multiple opportunities for innovation in both public and private markets, along with challenges for market participants will be discussed during the afternoon sessions.

  • Jeff Gitterman, Partner, Gitterman Asset Management

1:45-2:15 p.m.
Climate Science: The Risks and Opportunities Towards a Just Transition

Investors are starting to get serious about net-zero emissions targets. While there are challenges to implementing true Paris-aligned targets in investment portfolios, there is considerable movement amongst asset owners to tackle these challenges by incorporating advanced scientific frameworks and data products into their decision making. In this panel we explore the new societal and regulatory pressures on investors to combat greenwashing and ESG claims and how clear, sector-by-sector transition mapping can help.

  • Jeff Gitterman, Partner, Gitterman Asset Management
  • Karl Burkart, Deputy Director, One Earth
  • Truman Semans, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, OS-Climate
2:15-2:45 p.m.
The Equity Perspective on Climate Risks and Opportunities
  • Jessica Skolnick, Director of Investments, Gitterman Asset Management
  • Ivka Kalus, Chief Investment Officer, Promethos Capital
  • Betsy Moszeter, Portfolio Manager, Green Alpha Capital

2:45-3:25 p.m.
Thematic Solutions to the Climate Crisis

Water, sustainable infrastructure, and renewable energy are key to human health and economic vibrancy. This panel will address ways to invest in thematic solutions and how the Inflation Reduction Act could impact these investments.

  • Adam Bernstein, ESG/Impact Analyst, Gitterman Asset Management
  • Matt Diserio, President, Water Asset Management
  • Padraig Sheehy, Senior Vice President, KBI Global Investors
  • David Sher, CEO, Greenbacker Capital Management

3:25 - 3:45 p.m.
Afternoon Break
3:45-4:15 p.m.
Corporate Engagement in a Transition Economy

Social and environmental forces are reshaping societies, economies, and financial markets. In this session learn how constructive and committed engagement with management teams via active ownership shapes our transition to reach Net Zero.

  • Drivers shaping the latest approach to engagement on climate change
  • The impact of Russia-Ukraine and the energy crisis on climate change engagements
  • What companies need to consider in order to have a Just Transition
  • Penelope Jackson, Director of Business Development, Gitterman Asset Management
  • Bruce Duguid, Head of Stewardship, EOS, Federated Hermes
  • Marina Severinovsky, Head of Sustainability North America, Schroders

4:15 p.m.-4:35 p.m.
The Role of Environmental Markets in Commodities: Fireside chat with Michelle Dunstan, Chief Responsibility Officer & Portfolio Manager, AllianceBernstein

How will changing climate - both means and extremes - affect where people live, how/what they consume, and in-turn the prices we as a society pay for assets/commodities? Climate change’s unintended consequences can act as a threat multiplier as they amplify the effects of social, political, and supply/demand shocks. In this fireside chat learn how AllianceBernstein approaches these dynamic shifts across their asset management platform and their partnership with the leading climate scientists at Columbia University’s Earth Institute to improve climate change scenario analysis & investor outcomes.

  • Sara Rosner, Director of Environmental Research & Engagement, AllianceBernstein

4:35 -4:50 p.m.
Closing Keynote: Special Guest to be Announced
4:50-5:00 p.m.
Closing Remarks
  • Elizabeth King, President, Sustainable Finance & Chief Regulatory Officer, ICE
5:00-6:00 p.m.
Drinks Reception

*Agenda is subject to change


ESG / Impact Analyst

Gitterman Asset Management

Senior Vice President
Conservation Finance

Chief Distribution & Marketing Officer
Green Alpha Advisors
Head of ESG Advisory
New York Stock Exchange
Head of Stewardship, EOS
Federated Hermes
Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & ESG
Hannon Armstrong
Co-founder and Managing Partner
Founder and CEO
DeltaTerra Capital

CEO & Co-founder

Greenbacker Capital Management
Edward Rumsey
Ed Rumsey
Managing Partner
Permian Global
President, ESG & Chief Regulatory Officer

Erika Smull
Municipal Research
Breckinridge Capital

Senior Director of Climate and ESG
Global Head of Environmental Markets

Head of Climate Transition Finance
Chief Investment Officer
Promethos Capital

Gitterman Asset Management

Director of Investments

Gitterman Asset Management

Deputy Director
One Earth
Head of Sustainable Finance - US
Lisa Washburn Headshot
Managing Director

Municipal Market Analytics

Assistant Vice President
Securitized Products

Head of Sustainability North America
Co-Founder and President
Water Asset Management, LLC

Michael Dunne
VP Finance
NextEra Energy, Inc.
Michelle Dunstan
Chief Responsibility Officer & Portfolio Manager
Senior Vice President – Business Development & Client Services
KBI Global Investors

NextEra Energy, Inc.
Director of Business Development

Gitterman Asset Management

Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Sara Rosner Headshot
Director of Environmental Research & Engagement


Truman Semans Headshot
Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Founder & CEO