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Committed to Environmental Sustainability

Our ability to make a difference with respect to the environment includes (1) the steps we take to mitigate the impact our operations have on the environment, (2) our efforts to address and reduce the risks to our company from climate change, and (3) the opportunities created by our climate-related products and services across market infrastructure and data.

Decarbonization strategy

ICE is uniquely positioned to be a leader in the transition to a reimagined energy economy. We do that by responding to changing consumer and institutional preferences around energy consumption and associated trends in the market, and by offering risk management and hedging tools. With respect to our own footprint, we disclose our full greenhouse gas emissions and are working toward emissions reductions.

Impact of climate change on our business

Climate-related risks that are most pertinent to ICE fall broadly into two categories:

  • Physical, which focuses on potential impacts to ICE’s operations or to our stakeholders resulting from acute weather events; and
  • Transitional, which centers around evolving impacts to demand for different products as the economy transitions towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Our enterprise risk management team, overseen by the Board Risk Committee and led by our Corporate Risk Officer, has developed an approach based on the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures framework to assess the range of impacts from climate-related risks to our businesses. The team implements that framework in collaboration with leadership across our organization to identify, assess, and manage climate risks and opportunities.

An assessment of those risks and opportunities, including consideration of climate-related scenario analysis, in the TCFD section of our annual sustainability report.

Our opportunity to make a broader impact through sustainability products and services

ICE’s sustainable finance products and services offer customers data, tools and markets that provide transparency into risks and opportunities to enable sustainable decision-making and include:

A comprehensive list of these products and services is available in the TCFD section of our annual sustainability report.